Ecto Mu Drops 30ml
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Food coplement can favor the reactivation, drainage and self-defense mechanisms that allow the body to re-establish its homeostasis (functional balance) and therefore the state of health and well-being.Acer Campestris
The maple glycerin macerate is a remedy that contrasts the states of anxiety and anguish, fears, insomnia. Maple is also very effective for soothing skin redness and for treating both cold sores.
Crataegus oxyacantha
Hawthorn has a sedative action particularly useful in the treatment of anxiety disorders with cardiovascular symptoms: arrhythmias, ectopic beats, tachycardia, hypertension. The tannins and flavonoids, responsible for the important properties of the Hawthorn glycerin macerate, also act at the level of the central nervous system, reducing states of anxiety and stress, the cause of insomnia and irritability.
Cedrus libani
The Cedar of Lebanon is a tree used since ancient times. It has a tissue preservation action, which we can rightly call anti-aging, and is mainly carried out on the skin. The Lebanese Cedar bud extract therefore fights the signs of skin aging (wrinkles, dehydrated skin, etc.); it is also of great importance on all types of dermatitis, including eczema and psoriasis. Thanks to its ability to regulate the secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands, it is able to restore the right parameters of the epidermal hydroacid-lipid film, very important for the defense of the skin from infections and for skin elasticity and hydration.
Ficus carica
In gemmotherapy the fig is the remedy of excellence for the treatment of psychosomatic hepatologies of the digestive system. Regulates gastric and intestinal motility and the production of gastric juices; it is therefore a very important remedy for diseases such as aerophagia, meteorism, gastro-oesophageal reflux, hiatal hernia, gastritis, irritable bowel, constipation, dysentery, etc.
Vaccinium myrtillus
Bilberry glycerin macerate is very rich in anthocyanosides (the most important are the glycosides of delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin and valvidin), substances with well-known circulatory toning properties. InECTO.MU we are interested above all in the ability of the anthocyanosides of the Blueberry to increase the regeneration speed of the retinal purpura, with an effect of improving vision, especially at night. The Bilberry is therefore indicated in all ocular pathologies and in particular those concerning the retina. Bilberry also acts excellently at the enteric level, in fact it is called "the velvet of the intestine" for its ability to reduce intestinal swelling and irregular evacuation.
Juglans Regia
The Walnut bud extract has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and epithelializing properties; it is therefore indicated for all skin diseases such as eczema, acne, mycosis, impetigo, psoriasis, etc. It is also very useful in ear diseases.
Platanus Orientalis
Platano glycerin macerate is of great help in skin syndromes.Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, re-pigmenting and skin draining properties, it is useful in relapsing acne, seborrheic dermatitis and dry dermatitis that accompany skin flaking (psoriasis, dandruff, etc. ).
Prunus Spinosa
Blackthorn glycerin macerate is a powerful nervous tonic, particularly indicated in case of convalescence, stress, asthenia. The Blackthorn bud extract also acts selectively on the spasms of the eye due to fatigue.
Tilia Tomentosa
The lime glycerin macerate acts in a rebalancing sense on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis responsible for the stressful response: production of diadrenaline and noradrenaline, cortisol, etc. with activation of the sympathetic system. It is therefore useful in all pathologies caused by anxieties, fears and stress.
Acer campestris (maple) glycerine macerate; crataegus oxyacantha (hawthorn) maceratoglycerine; cedrus libani (cedar of Lebanon) glycerine macerate; ficus carica (fig) glycerine macerate; vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) glyceric macerate; juglans regia (walnut) glycerine macerate; platanus orientalis (platano) glycerine macerate; prunusspinosa (blackthorn) glycerine macerate; tilia tomentosa (lime) glycerine macerate.
How to use
Take 10 drops 3 times a day, diluted in a little water, preferably away from meals.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Keep out of the reach of children under three years of age.
Supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied diet.
For pregnant or lactating women and children it is recommended to consult the doctor's opinion.
30 ml bottle with dropper pipette.
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- Henry P., Conception et pratique de la gemmothérapie, Bulletin d'Organothérapie et de Gérontologie, 7.
- Henry P., Gemmotherapy, Ricchiuto Editore, Verona 1989.
- Henry P., Gemmothérapie et clinique, Cahiers deBiothérapie, 25, 3, 1966.
- Henry P., Gemmothérapie. Thérapeutique par lesextraits embryonnaires végétaux. B.Westerlo, Impr. Saint Norbert, 1982.
- Henry P., Introduction à la Gemmothérapie, Cahiersde Biothérapie, 1.1, 1964.
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- Henry P., Place de la Gemmothérapie dans lamédicine moderne, Cahiers de Biothérapie, 12.12, 1966.