Scotti Scotti Rice Tortitas Bio Multicereales y Quinoa 130g S-Gluten
- Product Code: 927108338
- EAN: 8001860253072
- Availability: In Stock
- 3 items
for 1,85€ each - 4 items
for 1,81€ each - 5 items
for 1,78€ each
Rice Scotti
Risette MultiCereal With Quinoa
Do not give up the taste, provoke place of bread; Balanced nutrition for breakfast with jam or honey, lunch in place of bread, or use as a base for delicious canapes.
Risette Muticereali contains Rice, highly digestible and poor in fat; Quinoa that produces fibers and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, zinc; Maize provides vitamins B1 and B12; Saracen Wheat, Rich in Proteins and Mineral Salts; Mile contains Group B vitamins and mineral salts